Table of Contents
1. First time sign up
Please visit
Click Sign Up on the Login page.

Register an account with your corporate email, create and confirm your password. Please click agree to Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy after reviewing the terms.
Then click Sign Up.

You will receive a verification link in the email you registered.
Please go to your email inbox and click on the verification link to continue with the authentication process.

After clicking the verification link, your email address has been authenticated and you will see below message. Click here in the message to continue.
Please input your preferred name and your practice. Then click Submit.

Click login to go back to Log in page.

2. Log in
Input your registered email and password, then click Login.

3. Create a New Patient
To start a transcription, you need to first create a patient profile by clicking + New Patient.

Input patient’s first name and last name.
As an optional field, you can choose to input patient’s phone number for easier patient identification.
Click Confirm.

4. Start a Transcription
After a new patient is created, click on the patient’s name to start a new consultation session.

Upon entering the patient’s page, click + New Consultation to begin your consultation session.

Click microphone button to start and stop a live transcription. You can pause any time and resume by clicking the same button again.

There may be a pop-up message asking for permission to enable your microphone. Please click Allow to use your microphone.

To choose your transcription language, please click on the language drop-down menu. You can also directly type in the language field to search your preferred language.
A full consultation record comprises three parts:
- Live transcription – where you see your audio conversation is transcribed into text. This field is auto-generated and is not editable.
- Manual Remarks – where you can type anything to supplement the transcription.
- Generated Note – where a structured clinical note is auto-generated based on the content in Live transcription and Manual Remarks.

In Generated Note tab, you will see auto-generated clinical note in SOAP format summarizing the Subjective, Objective, Assessment and Plan elements of the consultation.

On the top right corner, there are three buttons for you to adjust the generated note:
Copy: Click to copy the entire clinical note.
Attach: Click and select a file you wish to attach to the clinical note.
Edit: Click to edit the generated clinical note. Click again to Save after editing.
If you have edited the Manual Remarks or wish to generate another version of the clinical note, please click Re-generate.
5. Past Consultations
Click the arrow next to patient’s name to show or hide Past Consultations section.

To view a single clinical note, click Eye icon to view.
To view summaries of multiple clinical notes, check the boxes of your preferred note then click See Summary to generate summaries.
To view full transcription record of a clinical note, click anywhere on your preferred note to see the full record.

To delete a clinical note permanently, click Eye icon of your preferred note, then click Bin button at the top right corner.